Australians voted AAFS Shopfitting the winner for Best Interior Fitout in ASOFIA’s inaugural People’s Choice Award for 2015/2016. In fact, the fitout of ProVision Optometry Clayton, in Melbourne’s South East, saw the fitout company take out the national shopfitting award for category of Best Interior Fitout under $150,000 as well. This makes AAFS Shopfitting back to back winners of the fitout category, becoming award winners for the sophisticated fitout of international hairdresser, Franck Provost with their Emporium Melbourne salon, in the 2014/2015 ASOFIA Interior Fitout Awards.
“Up against some the best interior fitouts, and impressive competitors around Australia, we are equally shocked and thrilled to take home the awards” says Managing Director, Brett Curtis. “We strive for excellence in all that we do. Our team’s commitment to maintaining a high quality, and our dedication to a smooth and structured management of all projects has attributed to our success. ”
“Handing over the keys to the business owner after completing a fitout, to us, is still so rewarding. Seeing their eyes light up from the transformation of what the space was a few weeks ago to what we have helped it become in such a short space of time is so gratifying. The hard work of our clients to get to this point – the retail designers, our dedicated crew of contractors and our team’s work has all come together to reach the pinnacle. It is all such a team effort. We are so honoured to receive the awards, but realise that we would not be doing so if it wasn’t for a wide range of people working along beside us. So a huge thank you to all those involved with the build of ProVision Optometry Clayton, to all those who supported and voted for us in the People’s Choice Award and to ASOFIA for inspiring shopfitters to preserve Australia’s high standards in commercial craftsmanship and customer service. Thank you.”